My previous post, 1/24/2011, End Of An Era, about my(not mine any more) tool box brought a tear to my wife’s eye. She didn’t think she would see that happen until I was at least 70.
This time I’m trying to figure out how to add/imbed pictures and/or videos in my blog posts to make them more interesting.
Near as I can tell, Blogger doesn’t host media files for free. I guess I need to find an online file host.
Can I put them on my Facebook page and link to that?
Maybe use my laptop as a dedicated server just for that purpose?
More research needed.
Does anyone have suggestions?
Maybe some trial and error … which always seems to end with mostly errors.<G>
With trial and error, usually the last thing you try is what works, unless you commit another error.
Of course, that’s somewhat like losing something and finding it in the last place you look.
I watched the ‘State of the Union Address’ and ‘Congressional Date Night’ Tuesday evening. Good speech, but, as they say: “The proof is in the pudding”. I liked the part about vetoing any bill with “pork” (ear-mark spending) attached. Also, getting rid of frivilous lawsuits to help lower healthcare costs.
Think about this: The word politician is derived from the word politics (or alternately – polyticks).
Poly, meaning “many” and ticks, which are “blood sucking insects”. It doesn’t take much to make that connection. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Tea Party, Independent, etc., they’re all the same.
Old Political Axiom: It’s not how you play the game … it’s where you lay the blame.