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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Open Letter To The Families Of San Diego Unified School District(SDUSD) Students …

by Charlama Chaffee
With all of the budget cuts and lay-offs, next school year is going to be very different.  Many schools will have no one in their libraries.  If someone is in your student’s library, they will probably have much shorter hours.  This means that your student will have less access to all of the books and other materials that your tax dollars have purchased.  Maintaining these valuable and expensive collections will be that much harder.  Ask your school how many hours your student’s library will be open next year.  For the vast majority of SDUSD students, the library will be open much less next year, if it is open at all.  Does your student enjoy using the library before school, after school or during lunch?  Does your student play games, use the computers, catch up on homework, read or talk quietly with friends in the library?  In all likelyhood they will not be able to do this as much next year, if at all.

Furthermore, if your student is at a year-round school, changes will be happening on July 1st.  Because of the budget cuts and lay-offs, a large number of classified personnel will be shifted around to different schools, most with fewer hours and many with a loss of benefits.  These people include, but are not limited to:  secretaries, financial clerks, office clerks, site techs, health techs/aides, security personnel, library techs/aides, teachers aides, attendance clerks, et al.  They are the “lucky” ones.  Many people in the above jobs are being laid off as of July 1st; they won’t even be able to finish out the school year.  So, if your student is at a year-round school, he/she is going to have a lot of new adults to work with for the last three, very busy, weeks of school.  If you are not sure if these changes will affect your student, ask at your school.  Virtually all schools will be affected, if not on July 1st, then most definitely come September 6th, the first day of the 2011 – 2012 school year.

Check your student’s school, then contact the school board if you have any concerns.  You can contact all of the board members by e-mailing them at mailto:board@sandi.net or you can reach them by calling (619) 725-5550

In addition, each board member has a separate e-mail box:

Richard Barrera, Board President  mailto:rbarrera1@sandi.net
John Lee Evans, Board Vice-President  mailto:johnleeevans@sandi.net

Shelia Jackson, Board Member  mailto:sjackson@sandi.net
Kevin Beiser, Board Member  mailto:kbeiser@sandi.net
Scott Barnett, Board Member  mailto:sbarnett@sandi.net


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