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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dream or Reality?

Sitting here without a thought in my head.  Not one that can be published, anyway.

            I re-read my last blog and it was really scattered.  I’ll try to make this one less so.

            I look at the people around me, that I don’t like, and I realize how similar I am to them.  I see me in some of the things that I don’t like about them.  OK, a lot of things.

I’m the dreamer who is suddenly forced to awaken.  I’m torn between trying to go back to the dream (usually not possible) or getting up and doing something in the reality (sometimes not desirable).  Often it’s difficult determining which is the dream and which is reality.

            Perhaps a dream state is more natural.  Our bodies produce a chemical which helps us go to sleep, but does not do anything to help us wake up … thus, we have alarm clocks.  Isn’t it interesting that the term “alarm” is used?  Alarm = send a warning / generate fear / cause a “fight or flight” response.

            Sometimes I feel like George Bailey during the first part of It’s A Wonderful Life.  I’ve often thought that title should have ended with a question mark.  Have I significantly affected anyone’s life?  I don’t know.

* I never finished college.

* Courtesy of Uncle Sam, I participated in a war … but I didn’t do anything particularily significant or heroic.
I pray that God has forgiven me for the part I played in that conflict.

* I never saved anyone’s life … that I’m aware of.

* I was an auto mechanic for many years, but never did anything notable.

* I have been doing smog inspections for 36 years and can’t even remember the vast majority of the 75,000+ tests I’ve personally done.  Recently, because of events and research, I’ve come to the conclusion that even all the tests I’ve done are totally insignificant … the program is not about cleaner air, it’s about politics (by now you know my opinion on that subject) and money.  The people who control politics and money don’t care whether we can breathe, only that we continue to pay a multitude of taxes and government “fees”.

* I never built anything lasting.

* I participated, am participating, in a wonderful marriage.  I believe that had more to do with a very loving and tolerant woman than anything I did.  I still love her very much.

* I had a Tax Preparation buisness for a few years, but, that is history.  Mostly due to the economic downturn, proliferation of home PCs, government fees, software and the fact that it isn’t fun or profitable any more.

* The past few years of medical bills I’m sure have helped a couple of doctors and health insurance executives take trips to the Bahamas … is that significant? … I doubt it. <G>

* I’ve been an Ordained Minister for several years.  I’ve never done anything with it … maybe I should?  At the time I got ordained, it was free and I did it just for a lark (online - Universal Life Church).  I can do the same things other ministers can do;  preside at marriages, funerals, baptisms, etc.  NO circumcisions (reserved for a Rabbi with training).  That’s OK by me.

And Moses said:  “Lord … let me see if I’ve got this straight.  The arabs get all the oil and we get to cut a half inch off our what”?

            The other day I told a customer about Earth being the Insane Asylum of the Universe.  He asked me if I knew this because I had been to other planets and seen the difference?
I said:  “Yes, and I told someone about it.  That’s why they put me here.” <G>

Gotta Go Now.

1 comment:

  1. Red,
    With all due respect, I beg to differ. You DID build something lasting. It's called the Findley family, and I think three generations of it (you and Bonnie, the boys, their wives, and your grandchildren) are benefiting from the efforts you put forth to build it.
